Passage to St Lucia.
Two days port to port. One sensor decided to make a noise so it was unplugged for the duration. The 913 was tied up but untied itself and made the usual racket. Readings have been taken of the engine batteries to determine what ampage 7 voltage is necessary to start the engine.
Had one night at the marina and then moved to Aisys jetty where we have a peaceful private berth.
Spoilt yet again by being invited to lunch with the King family we are so lucky with our friends!
Rob & Deirdre very kindly brought us out a few spares so work has begun aboard fixing items again. Rob helped Malcolm fix the loo pump which has been giving a slight leak and refashioned the handle for the seacock which has become outsized enough to fail to turn the seacock.
Decided to sail with White Gale over to Martinique for the week end. We got a few pictures of them and vice versa. A fast and pleasant 4 hour sail. We lay at anchor and checked in the following morning. A nice big supermarket meant that we could invite Aizy, Deirdre and Stephen over to dinner—we had fish pie.
Saturday we went for a look around St Anne's, a quiet little village with some local charm. We saw the most enormous Swordfish being gutted on one of the jetties and I managed to find a new watch strap, the rest of the day was spent on the beach.
We ate ashore at a local bistro that night guests of Stephen (Deirdre's cousin), delicious– thanks a bunch Stephen.
Sailed back to Rodney Bay once again very pleasant so I made bread en passage.
Two days port to port. One sensor decided to make a noise so it was unplugged for the duration. The 913 was tied up but untied itself and made the usual racket. Readings have been taken of the engine batteries to determine what ampage 7 voltage is necessary to start the engine.
Had one night at the marina and then moved to Aisys jetty where we have a peaceful private berth.
Spoilt yet again by being invited to lunch with the King family we are so lucky with our friends!
Rob & Deirdre very kindly brought us out a few spares so work has begun aboard fixing items again. Rob helped Malcolm fix the loo pump which has been giving a slight leak and refashioned the handle for the seacock which has become outsized enough to fail to turn the seacock.
Decided to sail with White Gale over to Martinique for the week end. We got a few pictures of them and vice versa. A fast and pleasant 4 hour sail. We lay at anchor and checked in the following morning. A nice big supermarket meant that we could invite Aizy, Deirdre and Stephen over to dinner—we had fish pie.
Saturday we went for a look around St Anne's, a quiet little village with some local charm. We saw the most enormous Swordfish being gutted on one of the jetties and I managed to find a new watch strap, the rest of the day was spent on the beach.
We ate ashore at a local bistro that night guests of Stephen (Deirdre's cousin), delicious– thanks a bunch Stephen.
Sailed back to Rodney Bay once again very pleasant so I made bread en passage.