Tuesday, 22 February 2011

St Barthelemy

This is the latest short & sweet since the battery is nearly down and I have yet to synchronise Google so that I can write replies to all your emails. 
Monday (14th) through Thursday sailed quite happily just the two of us again, good speed and fair weather apart from one or two squalls. Anchored just off Gustavia very early on the Thursday about 0800, just after I had woken up. We texted Jane &amd; Paul whom we arranged to meet ashore while completing entrance formalities.
   This done we were treated to a tour of the island (see Picasa) and a wonderful Italian lunch.

We chilled out at there villa and were also invited to a slap up steak dinner (wow thanks; it was delicious!)
Since then we have had great fun exploring the many and various beaches around the island watching the wildlife ad snorkelling. It is a great shame that we didn’t take the underwater camera because the fish were quite inquisitive. Paul & Jane were even intrepid enough to come sailing with us! We took them to the Marine Nature Reserve at Colombier Beach.  Yet AGAIN on the return trip the engine FAILED to start so we sailed without it, with the generator running so that the batteries would be absolutely full when we next tried it—yes you guessed it started first time. So does this mean that we have found the answer??? Only time will tell.